How To Professionally Get Rid Of Bed Bugs At Home

Bedbugs, unfortunately, find easy entry to your home. These pests are commonly hiding in mattresses and bedding areas. But they don’t leave the opportunity to lurk in luggage, old furniture, and personal belongings. Therefore, you must be careful while travelling. However, if they enter your home, calling pest control Sydney is the best thing you can do. But instead of counting on a pest control company for professional bed bug removal, you can achieve the same results by following the necessary precautions. So, let us explain what other things you can do to get rid of bed bugs without using chemicals at your home. 

Professional Bed Bug Removal At Home

  • To Know Bed Bug Signs

Bed Bugs are tiny creatures, and most of the time, infestation remains unnoticed. However, you should look for common signs of infestation:

  • Bloodstains or red stains
  • Pale yellow eggs and shell capsule
  • Black, pepper-like droppings
  • Waking up with itchy rashes and skin welts
  • Movements of apple seed-sized, oval-shaped bugs, etc, pets at home. 
  • Bedbugs Removal 

Once you confirm the infestation of bedbugs, then here pest control experts in Sydney suggest some steps follow:

  • Do A Thorough Inspection 

A step of bed bug inspection will bring you closer to the process of getting rid of bedbugs. Therefore, carefully inspect the bedding and adjoining area. Additionally, check the furniture, cushion, curtains, and carpeted areas. If you frequently travel, check the luggage, clothing, cupboard, and other belongings you carry.

  • Bed Bug Treatment 

Now you know where the active infestation is, so start with vacuuming. It helps in sucking the larvae from the furniture, carpets, bed joints, and other areas. After that, a reputed pest control guide suggests washing and drying all the fabrics in a high-heat setting. For non-washable items, dry them in sunlight or use heat to kill bugs. Additionally, remove unused papers, containers, boxes, clothes, etc.

  • Seal Bed Bug Entryways

Consider using the cover for mattresses, chairs, sofas, etc, to limit their hiding spot. Fill the cracks or corners and other damaged areas so that they don’t find any hiding place.

  • Monitor The Treated Area

 One way to achieve complete bed bug extermination is to keep an eye on the infected area for at least a few months. Or you can also use frequent heat of steam to kill the eggs and bedbugs. Though you can use bait, shop-available insecticides, and traps, they aren’t very effective. But a professional exterminator is the most effective and fastest way for bed bug removal. You should look for experienced and highly trained service providers in your area by typing “pest control near me.” 

  • Non-Chemical Bed Bug Treatments

 Most homeowners would like to go for eco-friendly pest control treatments for bed bugs. Because these treatments are not just safe for their health but also for their pets and the surrounding environment. So, you have options to choose from any of the below bed bug treatments: 

  • Cryonite Freezing 

Bed bugs cannot sustain living at a temperature of 0°C, which is a freezing point. So, you can encase all the bedding belongings like mattresses, pillows, blankets, bedsheets to freeze them with cryonite. Cryonite is nothing but dry ice and it is also commonly referred to as iced carbon dioxide. 

  • Heat Treatment 

At a temperature of 50°C and 60°C, it is hard for bed bugs to stay alive. Thus, you can purchase high-performance equipment that emits heat of these temperatures and passes the heat into your bedding. Make sure, this heat is also passed to other belongings such as duvets, pillow covers, bedsheets, etc, to kill bed bugs in all of them. 


Everyone wants to get rid of pests like bed bugs as soon as possible and if you are one among them, do count on professional pest control. A professional company inspects and discusses pest treatment plans with the property owners. They effectively treat bed bugs as well as help to prevent a future attack if you frequently book them for pest inspection service exclusively. Today, pest exterminators understand the need for emergency and same-day assistance, thus experts take round-the-clock bookings. Therefore, you can see that initiation on your part is all pest controllers need for them to provide in-time services. 

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